‘Sticky Campus’ - A Place Students Love to Be

Republic is unlike most other education campuses in London – in that we welcome between 15-20,000 students each year from across eight different universities. Whilst each university has their own student services team, it’s our Trilogy Campus Experience Team who work to make the overall experience at Republic welcoming and vibrant.


Our focus since the pandemic has been on giving students a rounded learning experience – creating a ‘sticky campus’. A term that has emerged from universities in Australasia, this is a campus where students and staff want to spend time. Our outdoor meeting spaces, the water gardens and the inspiring architecture are consistently flagged as features that Republic students love.


Building on this, in April we launched The Common Room – a shared events space – and from there have run games evenings, ‘CV’ building sessions, employability talks, and making friends events. We ended the summer term with a ‘glitter party’ for all staff onsite. Plans are now afoot for the Autumn Welcome event – watch this space!

May MoltenoComment